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Pear Tree Community Junior School

With trust and care we will grow and flourish

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5



Welcome to Year 5! Our children are confident learners who are growing and flourishing as part of the Pear Tree family. They are our Pear Tree Super Heroes who live by our Super Hero Code of being Ready, Respectful and Responsible. 


We are looking forward to all of the adventures we shall go on over the course of the year. 




Mrs Belleh



Miss Bordoli and Mrs Dosanjh



Miss Asif


Additional adults

Mrs Campbell and Mrs Sullivan


TT Rock Stars - Help develop your child's multiplication knowledge

Purple Mash - Which computing skills will you use?

Showbie - Recap what you have learnt in school

Spelling Shed - Practice your spellings

Pear Tree Promise



Aiming high


