
About Us
Pear Tree Community Junior is located in the Pear Tree area to the south of Derby City Centre. The school takes pupils from the ages of 7-11 across four year groups (Year 3 to 6). The vast majority of our pupils transfer from Pear Tree Infant School, that shares the same site. We have three classes of 30 pupils in each year group and have up to 360 pupils on roll at any one time.
The school serves a diverse community. We have pupils from a wide range of countries and cultures; there have been as many as 37 different languages at any time across the whole school.
Pear Tree offers an interesting and exciting curriculum which incorporates many enrichment activities, including a variety of trips, visits and visitors. In addition, the school benefits from a purpose built dance studio, art block and sports field, allowing our children to experience a high quality curriculum in designated spaces.
Our pupils have a strong work ethic and are dedicated to their learning. Visitors regularly comment on their exceptional manners and their respectful attitudes. Children are encouraged to be ready, respectful and responsible for their learning. We want all our children to grow and flourish.