Year 3
Welcome to Year 3.
Welcome to Year 3! Our children have settled in fantastically and are now becoming confident learners who are growing and flourishing as part of the Pear Tree family. They are our Pear Tree Super Heroes who live by our Super Hero Code of being Ready, Respectful and Responsible.
We are looking forward to all of the adventures we shall go on over the course of the year.
Teaching Staff
Mrs Saini (Year Group Lead)
Mrs Batsford
Mr Hussain
Mrs Backorova
Mrs Marshall
Ms Slater
Mrs Osbaldeston and Miss Black work across the year group.
Our curriculum leaflet shows what we are learning this half term.
We are reading Fairs Fair by Leon Garfield and various non-fiction texts during our shared reading lessons. We are completing our shared reading activities on the iPads.
During our Science lessons, we have been learning about plants. We conducted an experiment to find out how long it would take our cress seeds to grow.
We are also learning about the different parts of plants and the lifecycle of a flowering plant.
As a part of our Geography learning, we are learning about the resources that can be found in the Arctic as well as learning about what Global Warming is and the impact it has upon our planet.
During our Religious Education (RE) lessons, we are learning about what Christians believe about God, temptation, the creation story and about the Bible.
During our French lessons, we are learning about where France is and how to greet each other in French.
We all know understand how important it is to keep fit and healthy. Every week, we have our fitness sessions where we practice each activity for one minute and write our total.