Autumn 1 Highlights.
- The children have settled into Year 4 life perfectly. They are all showing they are ready, respectful and responsible our three school rules.
- Bakewell have started their swimming lessons and are showing great perseverance - for some of them this is their first time going!
- All Year 4 children have started their music and violin lessons with Miss Katie on a Tuesday! They are looking forward to receiving their own violin towards the end of the term!
- In Maths we have been learning all about place value, the children have shown an excellent understanding and are becoming very confident with 4 digit numbers!
- In English the children have written a description of Pompeii and have written their own anthologogy of poems. We have also read 'Escape to Pompeii' and 'The Lost Pack of Pompeii'.
- In Science we have been learning about Solids, Liquids and Gases. The children are excellent at identifying these!
- In History, we have been learning about the British Empire and why the Romans were so powerful!
- In Geography, we have been learning about Italy and its physical and human features.
- In our PSHE lessons we have been getting to know each other as a class and learning about our emotions.
- During our Art Lessons the children will be creating a mosaic out of tiles! On D&T day we made Italian Pizzas! The children loved it and each child took their pizza home to share with their family!
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