Regular attendance at school is a shared responsibility of parents, school and Local Education Authority. Good attendance (above 95%) is essential for children to attain high standards of education.
Due to safeguarding requirements, there are clear school procedures for children who have unexplained absences from school.There have been public cases in the past where schools have not chased up the reasons as to why children are off of school. It has then transpired that there have been tragic circumstances around these absences, e.g. illness of a parent and a child unable to seek help.
We will do everything we can to prevent such situations occurring as I am sure you would agree that your child’s safety is paramount to us all.If your child is not going to be in school please call the office to report their absence. Please do this before 9am on the first day of the absence.
If we have not heard from you by 9.15am and therefore have not got a a reason for the child’s absence we will make give you a phone call or conduct a home visit. However if still haven’t been able to get a response then we will report it to the police as your child will then be classed a ‘missing child’.
This procedure is to ensure that we know where your child is and that you are all safe. Please let us know in good time why your child is absent from school.
Leave of absence
Parents are not permitted to take their children out of school during term time for a leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If you think a leave of absence is an ‘exceptional circumstance’ you must contact the school office to arrange to speak to the School Attendance Improvement Officer. If your child does not meet the expected standards of attendance you will be contacted by the School Attendance Improvement Officer. When necessary a Penalty Notice will be issued
End of the day arrangements
All pupils will be brought out to the playground at the back of the school (Harrington Street Entrance) – Year 3 and 4 pupils wait with the class teachers until they see the adult who has come to collect them. Year 5 and 6, if you feel they are responsible enough, pupils are allowed to find their own parents or walk home on their own. If a child is usually collected and their parent is not there we would ask the child to come back to the class teacher.
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy - 2024-25
Pupil Voice - Attendance Ambassadors