Superhero Code and Powers
At Pear Tree Community Junior School we believe all our children can flourish and become 'Superheroes'!
We will do this by helping children to follow the 'Superhero Code' and develop their very own 'Superhero Powers'.
Following the 'Superhero Code' will help to keep our school a happy place, where all learners grow and flourish.
We expect pupils to be:
- Ready
- Respectful
- Responsible
Superhero Code
Executive Headteacher, Mr Sharp explains our 'Superhero Code'
We also help our pupils to develop their 'Superhero Powers', these are:
- Perseverance - Showing resilience on a task
- Enquiry - Questioning, investigating and making links
- Aiming High - Challenging yourself to know and do more
- Reflection - Acknowledging how well you have done and what you will do next
- Teamwork - Working together to achieve a shared goal
Superhero Powers
Executive Headteacher, Mr Sharp explains the 'Superhero Powers'